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Thursday, March 02, 2006

26th Portuguese Box-Office Analysis

Another and new openings get their top spot on the list of movies that begin here.

This week there are many new movies in the top ten spots. Four to be exact. Did any one of them got the top spot from "Munich".
You´ll see in a while.

This week counted 226967 spectators and a 4% rise since last week´s top ten. A very strong week for cinema in Portugal. It really helped that rain is making our days full of it. And where else to escape. The cinema theather.

We are considering the week between 9 to 15 of February


Spectators (Week)
Percentage of spectators Drop (-) or Rise (+)
Spectators (Total)
Week of Release

1. Munich
2nd Week

2. Brokeback Mountain
1st Week

3. Match Point
4th Week

4. Rumor has it...
1st Week

5. Derailed
1st Week

6. Pride and Prejudice
4th Week

7. Memoirs of a Geisha
3rd Week

8. Fun With Dick and Jane
6th Week

9. 2 for the Money
1st Week

10. Saw II
4th Week

The Champion:

And "Munich" holds on to the top spot in it´s second week. With it´s blend of violence, in it´s raw form, and Spielberg directing like he has never directed a very imparcial take on terrorism (nobody is the bad guy - Palestinians or Israelians) he managed to have a very strong second week. The word of mouth worked and the drop of 34% from it´s first gigantic week is a very good result. It did managed more than 50000 spectators. Much more than first timer´s this week.

The New Players:

At the number 2 spot, the controversial movie that is becoming a very consensual movie. If a year back from now they said that a movie portraying gay people would get 45957 spectators in it´s first week i would have said, "You are crazy. Not in this lifetime". But it happened. I was one of them.
"Brokeback Mountain" did it. And the oscars this week may very well increase, even more, it´s perfomance at the box-office here in Portugal.

"Rumor has it..." is found at the number 4 spot, with 20976 spectators. A much better perfomance than expected for one of Jennifer Anniston´s films making the top spots this week. What a perfomance for her too.

And yes the other one is "Derailed", that in other hand did disapoint a little bit. In 27 theathers it just managed to get 18684 spectators. This means that Portugal is into Rom-COm and a little bit out of the thriller. Bring on more romantic comedies holywood. They make money here so, drop them while they are hot.

Finally the last opener is "2 For the Money", the latest from Al Pacino, in automatic pilot. It´s very good to see Pacino in any movie but how about doing some good ones for a change? It would be a good change of pace for you or not??It got 9576 spectators in 9 theathers for the number 9 spot.

The Other Players:

At number 3 we find "Match Point" in it´s fourth (very) strong week with 23942 spectators and a the smallest drop of the week with 24%. Indeed, Mr. Allen is hot of the field.

At 6 we find "Pride and Prejudice" with 18129 spectators and 27% drop from last week´s result. It was also in the shadow of Match Point but it´s run is also very impressive for a history from the past.

"Memoirs of a Geisha", in number 7 spot, with 15315 spectators and a 30% drop.

"Fun with Dick and Jane" got the number 8, in it´s, already, sixth week at the top ten spots. Almost 200000 spectators so a very good run for Jim Carrey´s Latest in comedy.

Finally to finish the top ten spots is "Saw II" with 8785 spectators and, on the other hand, the biggest drop from last week with 38%. Still, it´s not a very bad drop.

Just to give praise to some of the other movies doing great at the box-office in here, we have "The Constant Gardener". In it´s 15th week (ye that right, almost 4 months) it managed 4077 spectators, and it doesn´t wanna drop the top 20 in number 14. A very impressive run for one of the most impressive films of 2005. A bold and beautiful film from Meirelles. And Rachel Weisz is just amazing in here. Hope she gets the Oscar.

The other to give praise is a classic from Lucchino Visconti, "Il Gattopardo". In it´s second week, in just one theather it managed 2015 spectators and a 37% rise from it´s first week. Welcome back Mr. Visconti.

Next Week we will Have:

- "Aeon Flux" (the film sucks but many people are going to see it.Maybe number 2 spot for it or 3 - more likely)

- "Walk the Line" (Reese is well seen in here. And the oscar bait might get it the number 4 spot. Better is difficult)

- "Syriana" (The political thriller of the season. Few theathers and thriller not in the high part in here, so maybe a number 7 for it. Cross your fingers)

See ya next week, with more new films.



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